karol wnukiewicz 1 karol wnukiewicz 2 karol wnukiewicz 3

osobiste plany i postanowienia noworoczne

from year to year, i try to write down resolutions to be implemented in the new year right after New Year's Eve, i.e. at the moment of New Year's sentiment. here they come:

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time: 09:52, on: 20.9.2024


people visited: 9763458
today: 12
yesterday: 36
right now: 3

where i show myself?
where i show myself

what i'm laughing at my movies and music videos.

what am i doing now? what i do.

what others say about me others write about me, mainly hate.

friends after years with class

nasza klasa without class.

professionally on goldenline professionally locally.

professionally on linkedin professionally to the world.

on the bunch wine/grapes.

face on the internet face to the world.

karol wnukiewicz on osobovo.pl

random clip
random clip

kareel STUDIOS vs. eric prydz - my own call on me video

randomly selected

what i'm holding up: "Za panią matką idzie pacierz gładko"