karol wnukiewicz 1 karol wnukiewicz 2 karol wnukiewicz 3


karol, twenty-five, cancer, choleric, tyrant, master of tolerance (jaaaaasne! :]), a gourmet of vifons, a genius of irony, a child of happiness.


made of pure evil and absolute darkness:

stubborn, nervous, cheerful, smiling, talkative, saucy, vulgar, vindictive, spoiled, distrustful.

i like

cold brew, night life, sleep until noon, your "infamous" life.

i hate

worms in cherries, unpleasant shop assistants in Polish supermarkets, Swedish weather, tuned polonaises, succumbing to trends, alternating uppercase and lowercase letters (you need a translator for that!), introducing EnglishSHCHismOOf and other hopeless forms of 'playing' with language, cheap chats in trams, velcro shoes, conformism, lined notebooks, tons of make-up on the face, when the soup is too salty :]

i love

my godson Jacob, my whole family, basketball.

addicted to

music, internet, vanilla ice cream and basketball.

i can

admit a mistake, a failure.

i do

constanly mistakes all the time, but I try to learn from them.

i don't care

the opinion of people who don't know me.


you need to know when a certain stage of life ends, because when we want to stay in it for too long, we lose the joy and meaning of what lies ahead...

every day

slave labor in a factory for monkeys :]

first thought in the morning

every day is another chance to change everything :]

family first

i always put my family first. i would like to thank my parents for raising me and giving me the opportunity to educate myself, which I did so poorly. i thank them for their help, advice and constant support. i try to repay them with at least love and respect (although it doesn't always work out).


god bless the following people :]

  • ewa habich - dyrektor mojego ogólniaka, starała się motywować małego karolka do nauki języka polskiego stawiając mu dopuszczający na koniec 3 klasy. w każdym razie pozostało miłe wspomnienie.
  • marek książkiewicz - trener piłki ręcznej.
  • paweł zawadzki - mój podwórkowy wzór do naśladowania, brat z wyboru.
  • andrzej chalecki - jedyny człowiek z licealnej klasy, który mnie nie zawiodł, nie obraził, nie staral się pokazać swojej wyższości (a mógł).
  • michał 'blady tyłek' sadowski,
    piotr 'czarujący' wierzejewski - przyjaciele ze studiów, współtwórcy rodzinnego biznesu.
  • członkom koła naukowego S.E.P. - za wytrwałość i odwagę :]
  • rafał pomianowski - prawdziwy kumpel i brat

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where i show myself?
where i show myself

what i'm laughing at my movies and music videos.

what am i doing now? what i do.

what others say about me others write about me, mainly hate.

friends after years with class

our class without class.

professionally on goldenline professionally locally.

professionally on linkedin professionally to the world.

on the bunch wine/grapes.

face on the internet face to the world.

karol wnukiewicz on osobovo.pl

random clip
random clip

kareel STUDIOS powraca!

also on the site
also on the site

randomly selected

what i'm holding up: "Za ojców błędy pokutują"