karol wnukiewicz 1 karol wnukiewicz 2 karol wnukiewicz 3

my hard-earned education

i didn't really try hard, but i managed to finish:

2005 – 2006
Blekinge Institute of Technology,
School of Engineering
Box 520, SE – 372 25 Ronneby, Sweden
M.Sc. in Software Engineering
X.2001 – VII.2006
Wroclaw University of Technology,
Department of Computer Science and Management,
Computer Science - specialty:
Software Engineering (daily master's degree)
IX.1997 – VI.2001
Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr 1,
im. E. Dembowskiego, Zielona Góra
profile with extended English

master thesis title

I am not ashamed of my master's thesis, I wrote it myself, so I am boldly posting its content:

Non-functional requirements nonfunctional quality attributes Rola wymagań niefunkcjonalnych w projektowaniu architektury systemu informatycznego
System requirements architecsture software architectural design The role of quality requirements in software architecture design

foreign Languages

English en fluent in speaking and writing (FCE, work in the UK, studies and thesis for a scholarship abroad)
German pl good spoken and written')}
Polish pl national

additional info

  • driving license
  • design in CATIA 4.0 for Unix
  • non-smoker
  • science club SEP

my presentations - prepared materials

list of my presentations. below is a list of my public presentations. more professional than entertainment.

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where i show myself?
where i show myself

what i'm laughing at my movies and music videos.

what am i doing now? what i do.

what others say about me others write about me, mainly hate.

friends after years with class

our class without class.

professionally on goldenline professionally locally.

professionally on linkedin professionally to the world.

on the bunch wine/grapes.

face on the internet face to the world.

karol wnukiewicz on osobovo.pl

random clip
random clip

pijacki pierd

also on the site
also on the site

randomly selected

what i'm holding up: "Gość nie w porę gorszy Tatarzyna"