karol wnukiewicz 1 karol wnukiewicz 2 karol wnukiewicz 3

blog, i.e. my pastoral announcements

or in free translation - the stories of a desperate teenager.

preface 2007-10-25, 18:24
witam biliony moich czytelników zgromadzonych tak licznie przed monitorami! :] pierszym postem ośmielam się zaznaczyć, że nie chciałbym, aby moje słowa zostały odebrane jako prawdziwy blog, lament zranionej nastolatki, życiorys zagubionego dziecka neostrady, bądź ostatni krzyk młodego samobójcy.
mam zamiar zamieszczać tu uwagi ogólne natury nijakiej, przygody, ciekawostki i spostrzeżenia z mojego życia osobistego i zawodowego.

news, which is a big thing about nothing

in addition to the blog in the form of thoughts for the common people, I will post information from my life for people closer to me. readership probably at the level of family and friends, but still worth it. current news from my world.

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where i show myself?
where i show myself

what i'm laughing at my movies and music videos.

what am i doing now? what i do.

what others say about me others write about me, mainly hate.

friends after years with class

our class without class.

professionally on goldenline professionally locally.

professionally on linkedin professionally to the world.

on the bunch wine/grapes.

face on the internet face to the world.

karol wnukiewicz on osobovo.pl

random clip
random clip

kareel STUDIOS powraca!

also on the site
also on the site

randomly selected

what i'm holding up: "Za ojców błędy pokutują"